

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


How long does it take you to unwrap 24 Hershey kisses?

Ready go.


I’d like to say that although my chocolate cravings have been getting the better of me lately, I didn’t unwrap 24 Hershey Kisses this afternoon quickly because I ate them. Instead I’m trying out a new recipe. Chocolate cupcakes with a Hershey Kiss melted in the middle and chocolate frosting on the top. They are baking right now and already smell wonderful. I plan to hold myself to eating just one, and luckily Eliza is having friends over tomorrow to help get rid of them or else they’d sit on the counter daring me.

Don’t you think cravings are a funny thing? I would bet that most women out there know exactly what I’m talking about. For some reason God designed us to have these wild hormones that cause us to crave foods. Usually we crave the stuff that’s not at all good for us. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a guilty eater at all. If I really want something that I know is not good for me, I’ll eat it. Later on I might think about being on my best behavior the next day but I’ve never put a guilt trip on myself. I believe that if you truly want to eat something--go ahead. Just make sure you do so in moderation, and if you can’t eat just a little bit then don’t eat any at all. (I know much easier said than done)

I am a very passionate eater, just like other areas in my life. I love to eat good food, and when I have favorites of things I rave about them. If I eat a good meal you’re going to hear about it. You might even hear some moaning while I’m eating it. I believe that eating should be enjoyed, and if you’re not enjoying it then why bother. My husband, on the other hand, eats the same way he does most everything in life. He is very even. He doesn’t have many favorites and he eats whatever is set in front of him. He doesn’t really care for desserts (except cheesecake) and the only time he eats them is when I only eat a couple bites of a huge dessert after a meal out. Some days I wish I could be more like Brian--it would be great not to have cravings to give in to.

I guess I’m just blessed to enjoy foods as much as I do. I don’t think I’d trade my passion for foods for a boring life of “whatever”. How do you deal with your cravings?

As I finish typing this post I’m thinking about how I’ve been trying to go exclusively Paleo again. It seemed nearly impossible the first part of pregnancy, but I’m determined to stick it out for the second half. I guess my will power is going to have to grow a bit, because pregnancy cravings are going to test me for sure.

For those of you thinking…what about those cupcakes? They just got out of the oven, they smell delicious, and the kids are down for a nap. I guess it’s a good thing the 2nd half of my pregnancy doesn’t start until Monday. I’ll have a couple days to rid my body of the cupcake sugar. J

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