

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Do you ever do something you know isn’t good for you? Or on the flip side, do something that is good for you but you know will hurt later?

I think everyone has those moments. No one is perfect all the time right? We just do our best and move on. But what about when we continue to do something that we know isn’t good for us? Maybe you have your own ideas of “something” running around your head. It could be that donut after church on Sunday, one too many beers on Friday night, just that little candy bar, or it could be something like stressing out over something little, whatever that something is we all KNOW we should say no but for some reason we don’t.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s good to “be bad”. We aren’t perfect and we will never be perfect, and once in a while we have to give ourselves a break. So I’m here to tell not to stress too much over that something.

However, if it’s something that you continuously do over and over and it yields terrible results…I think someone once called that insanity. I have two stories of insanity for you today.

The outcome of both stories I’m blaming on pregnancy. Yeah, call me weak. Whatever. I’m over it.

The first story is about one of those somethings that’s not good for you, really no matter how you look at it. A little background first. Before I became pregnant with this little one I was in pretty awesome shape. I had been eating Paleo for about 3 straight months and I was at my lowest weight since getting married. I felt great and I looked pretty darn good too. (probably one of the reasons I ended up Preggo…lol)

Anyway, I had given up guilty pleasures almost entirely. I had the occasional bite of chocolate, but really that was it. Before doing Paleo I lived for that break in the afternoon where my kids were napping and I could sit down with and ice cold Coke Zero. Now that I’m pregnant that is one of those cravings I still get. I think the craving is as much for the Coke Zero as it is for the harmony it seems to bring me when I drink one. Anyway, soda and this pregnancy don’t mix so well. I’m constantly telling myself “maybe this time I won’t get sick”. But so far, every time I have a coke zero I live to regret it later in the day. However, for some reason I keep on trying. I think I’m hoping that one day I’ll be able to really enjoy one again. Even though I know it’s not good for me I do it anyway.

My second story is about working out. Again, before this pregnancy, as I mentioned above, I was feeling great, and I’m one of those crazy people that look forward to working out. However, when I had complications at the beginning with blood clots and such the doctor restricted my activity level. He said I could pretty much take care of my kids and do my daily errands and that was it. Wonderful. I can honestly say that physically I didn’t suffer too much, but mentally I was really suffering. I was yearning for those endorphins you get from a good workout. Well, 2 days ago I decided I’d start doing some little workouts again. (Don’t worry I’m taking it easy) I did some simple body weight exercises that I’d done before but knocked them down a bit. I felt so good, I even broke a little sweat. They weren’t hard on me at all, in fact I didn’t even think they’d do much other than get me moving again. Boy was I wrong! I looked like a little old woman trying to walk around last night. My arms and legs were pretty sore and still are today. But if you think I’m stopping you’re crazy! The soreness just gives me even more motivation to keep going so I don’t feel like this anymore until that dreaded 6 week break after birth. So there’s my story about the good for you think that hurts later. And, ouch…it still hurts.

I think both stories are examples of how life goes. I could get all philosophical on you here and compare these to biblical stories and God and all that, but I think you are smart enough to connect the dots. We all have to remember that part of living is making mistakes and part of living is doing the right thing even if we know we’ll feel it later. It’d be so much easier to take that harmonious break every day with a Coke Zero, but for some reason my head keeps telling me that the pain from the working out is really going to take me somewhere in the end.

What are your somethings? Do you have enough of the good stuff that will hurt later in your life? If not, maybe it’s time you re-evaluate.

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