

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lead Me: A post dedicated to Husbands and Fathers

Listen to this first:

Did you listen? If not, really go and listen.

That is one of my favorite songs. It’s called Lead Me, and I find it very romantic. The first time I heard it I kept thinking “why does this woman have to tell her husband these things?” and “What kind of man makes a woman feel alone?” But the more times I heard it the more it touched me. This song is not about a wife “nagging” or “demanding” her husband. This song is about what every husband and father should be.

Honestly, what woman reading this doesn’t want her husband to be “that guy in the song”? We have an innate desire to have our husbands and fathers be the sturdy force in our lives. We depend on their strength, and not only their physical strength, but their spiritual strength as well.

That “perfect” life with the smiling wife is a great picture, but we all know it’s not reality. Most days we need a man to help us stand strong in one way or another. We don’t want to be left hungry for love, and we certainly don’t want our children to be left hungry for love from their father. Our husbands should be our everything and they should LEAD our families.

I think it’s important that we know our husbands and fathers are willing to fight for us. Some days they are great at showing us how much we mean to them. Other days they are just men, and they might not be as good at “showing” us as we’d like. I don’t know about you, but there have certainly been times in my life when I can’t seem to fight anymore. My husband has had to fight for me because I just didn’t have anything left.

I think a lot of women have this “I can do it by myself” attitude in their heads. You know that old saying “I am woman hear me roar”-- society attempts to show women that they don’t need help from anyone, a woman is just as strong as a man and is just as good as a man. Well, I’m here to tell you that is just not true. We need men. Not only in society, but as the heads of our families. God designed a family like this on purpose. Men are supposed to be our strength when we’ve fallen. Father’s are supposed to guide their children with strong hands. Women can’t do it all themselves--it doesn’t work properly.

It’s easy to pray to our Father in heaven for strength and guidance. But let’s not forget to encourage the men in our lives to lead us their wives and their children with all their strength. Let’s not forget to remind them that God has called them to be the head of a beautiful family. Maybe most importantly, let’s not forget to let them lead the family.

Also, don’t forget to thank you husband and father. They will never understand what it’s like to be a mother, and we will never understand what it’s like to be a father and the head of the household--so give them a little credit.




As an extra note:
Thank you Brian for being an amazing husband and father, I wouldn’t be able to make it through this crazy life without you. Thank you Dad for always leading me with strong hands, I continue to look up to you for guidance and love each and every day.

Now go back and listen to the song again with your eyes me.

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