

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Drives You?

Since the complications that I had in early pregnancy have all been gone for a few weeks I feel like I have finally gotten back into a great routine. I am 25 weeks pregnant and I’ve been able to workout like normal for about 5 weeks. It’s amazing how great I’ve been feeling. I occasionally overdo it--it’s kinda hard not to with two little ones at home, but overall I think I’ve found a great balance.

As I sat talking to my doctor at my check-up today he told me I looked wonderful and to keep up whatever I was doing. I exclaimed that I had gained a whopping 5 lbs. last week, and wondered if I should be worried. He pretty much laughed in my face. As he looked at my chart and back to me, he said “I wish all my patients could be as healthy as you. You barely gained a pound early in pregnancy so you’re just making up for it. No worries.” I should have known, it’s not like this is my first go around. However, it got me thinking about what drives people. Pregnant or not, what is it that makes people do what they do?

It seems simple to me, I feel wonderful when I’m eating well and working out. So when I’m pregnant or when I’m breastfeeding or when I’m neither I’m going to eat well and work out. I know it’s not that easy for everyone though. So what is it that drives you? Maybe it’s all about how you look. Maybe it’s being able to “brag” to those around you about how much weight you’ve lost or what size you fit into. Maybe it’s about that feeling you have after a good workout. Whatever it is--try to hold onto that feeling.

I’m a firm believer that motivation has to come from within. It’s great to have outside sources push you a bit, but when it’s all said and done it has to come from within or it won’t last. I’m urging you all to look inside yourselves and figure out what that “thing” is that motivates you. This might be easier said than done, but trust me--it’s so worth it. We don’t have control over much in this world, but taking care of ourselves is one thing that we have complete control over. So whether you are 21 or 91 find your drive and keep at it. You deserve to live the best life possible.

Side note: I’m always here to help. So if you’re stuck in a rut and need some advice, send me a message. I’d love to help. J

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