

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I’m A Mom Not A Super Hero

Have you ever played that game “Would you Rather”? It’s a family favorite of ours. It seems like whenever we all get together we play the game. Sometimes it seems like we play it for hours. We have some crazy “would you rathers” too, like “Would you rather pick your nose or have a wedgie all day?” Sometimes there’s not really a good answer, it’s probably what makes the game so fun. I find myself thinking about this game the last couple weeks. The question that keeps running through my head is “Would you rather be a mom or a Super Hero?”

I think this is one of those that doesn’t have a right answer. I think most mom’s feel like super hero’s from day to day, and if they don’t then they sure wish they were super hero’s. I find myself wanting a lot of super powers, especially now, when I’m 7 months pregnant and feeling like the simplest task is getting hard. Bending over is becoming a huge challenge, rolling over in bed takes minutes not seconds, chasing after a quick 17 month old is laughable, and staying cool--that just doesn’t happen anymore. I find myself daydreaming of super powers. The ability to clean at super-human speeds, flying, having super human strength, doing everything I need to during the day AND not being exhausted at the end of the day--I think that is the one super hero quality I would take above all the others.

As the title suggests, I am not a super hero I‘m just a mom. I believe I have some pretty awesome “super powers” even though they aren’t really seen that way. I think I have some super human ability to listen to a 3 year old question everything and anything all day every day. I think I have some super human ability to bring fairy tale creatures to life each night before my kids go to bed. I think I have some super human ability of patience (don’t laugh) for all sorts of things that take place around here during the day. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

So although I’m “just a mom” I like to think that maybe my kids look at me like a super hero. I like to think that when I look in the mirror in the evening before I go to bed I can imagine a cape flying in the background, and the baggy eyes are just the crazy make-up that some super hero’s wear as a disguise. The multiple times I wake up during the night and drag myself to the bathroom to relieve myself of that tiny bit of pee because of this little human growing inside of me--well, what’s more like a super power then growing a new life?

Here’s to all you mom super hero’s. Don’t forget that to your kids, you are the greatest super hero that there ever was. Make sure you remember that in all you do for them today and everyday.

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