

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


“Don’t You Feel Like a Slacker?”

A question that has only been uttered out loud to me a few times, mostly in jest. However, if you could jump in my head for the day you would understand why it’s such a touchy question for me.

While I’m folding laundry I’m often thinking about what I could be doing that would use my “talents” better. While I’m scrubbing the dishes and loading the dishwasher I’m often thinking about what my hands could be better used for. While I’m on my hands and knees mopping the floor I’m often thinking that I’m way too smart not to be doing something else. While I’m picking up toys, vacuuming, making beds, changing diapers, kissing boo-boos, driving to story-time, weeding the flower beds, making dinner, singing lullaby’s, saying night time prayers, giving baths, grocery shopping, running errands, cleaning the bathrooms, and playing with my kids I’m often thinking “man I’m a slacker”. It might not be in those exact words, but you get the idea.

If you are one of those few mom’s out there that never questions your vocation to motherhood--I envy you. I would bet that more often than not most stay-at-home moms question their contribution to this world. In today’s society it’s nearly impossible not to question our motherly tasks. Let’s be honest, it’s not like our mom jobs are mentally challenging like being a lawyer, our mom jobs are not physically challenging like contractors, our mom jobs are not mentally taxing like most medical jobs out there, and our mom jobs are not emotionally challenging like dealing with patients who are emotionally or physically dying. Although, I believe that our mom jobs are most certainly mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging. There’s not a vocation in this world that’s not.

It’s still hard to get over that slacker feeling. Especially when you go to bed some days and think--”what did I even do today?” I think if I had the perfect answer to take away that feeling of uselessness that mother’s go through I could make a lot of money. It’s human nature for us to think about what more we could do. What I do know, and what I was taught by the greatest mother I’ve ever known is that we are all perfectly us. We all have our ups and downs and our days of doubt, but we are important. One of the things I think when I’m doubting my calling or my usefulness is “What if the devil got to all us moms, what would the world be like then?” Maybe that’s kind of a morbid thought, but it sure motivates me! I want to keep the devil as far away from my household as possible. I might not be able to change the world, but then again, maybe I can. My advice for getting over those “slacker thoughts”, take a look at your children’s smiling faces and know that God is smiling down on all you do. That should be enough. And if it’s not, look at all those “you” that God gave you.

Take a listen:

God Gave Me You, Blake Shelton

Right after I posted this, I flipped on my radio and started cooking dinner...the first song that played:

God is listening today I guess!! Wild.

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