

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Spunk in My Life

The silence of naptime is wonderful after the wild morning we had. Don’t get me wrong it was pretty much self-inflicted. Really, who in their right mind goes to the mall 5 months pregnant with a crazy almost 3 year old and a 15 month old? I guess this is just one more thing that proves I’m not in my right mind.

I was THAT lady today. You know the one I’m talking about. The lady that you look at and think “Ahh, her kids are so cute, why does she look so disheveled?” Then her adorable daughter comes up to you with a bright smile and a “Hi!” so you think to yourself “Oh, what a polite little girl”. But as you walk away you turn to look back over your shoulder and you see that same little girl running ahead as her mom says her name with increasing volume and anger each time, and as she’s running ahead she’s touching every single piece of clothing she can possibly touch, and if they fall on the ground she just giggles a little. And you see that pregnant lady following behind the wild little girl pushing a stroller and picking up the tornado of a mess that is left behind. Continuously threatening the spanking of misbehavior. Yup, that was me this morning.

As I said above, it was my own fault. Maybe some really good 3 year olds can go to the mall and shop for specific things with their mom and not be in a stroller, but my beautiful little girl just isn’t one of those. I was reminded over and over why I like to go shopping all by myself.

Luckily, the car ride home eased my stress/anger. When we got in the car I buckled Eliza in with the common phrase “I don’t want to hear you say a thing when I get in this car.” It doesn’t always work, but for the first 3 minutes or so there was complete silence. It truly was golden! After Eliza felt it was safe to speak she began her usual line of questions.

Mommy, are we on the interstate yet?

      Not yet.

Mommy, can you roll my window down?

       No, we’ll be on the interstate in just second.

Mommy, do you think it’s beautiful outside?

      Yes, it is a very pretty day.

Mommy, look I think Ronald McDonald is waving to us.

Mommy, Can we go to McDonald’s to eat?

        Nope not today.

Mommy, do you remember when I was a burrito? (she brings this up randomly all the time)

         Yes, that wasn’t much fun was it?

Mommy, when will Jackson talk?

         I don’t know.

Jackson say mommy, say mommy.

Mommy, will daddy be home tonight?

         No, not until tomorrow night after bedtime.

These questions went on and on all the way home, as they always do when we’re in the car. However, they didn’t irritate me, they just reminded me that she’s 3. Three year olds have a whole world to discover so they are going to have a lot of questions. They are going to run through stores and hide in clothing racks. They are going to test the limits each and every day. They are going to learn a lot every day. And when you’re having a rough time they will be the first one to give you a big hug and say “Mommy, I love you!” Not because you deserve it or because you ask for it, just because that’s what 3 year olds do. I’m blessed to have a spunky 3 year old in my life. Even though she keeps me on my toes all day every day, she is one of the reasons I go to bed every night with a smile on my face. Isn’t God amazing for blessing the world with children!!

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