

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Those Questions...

Was this baby planned?

Do you know what causes that?

Wow, you ARE brave.

You sure are going to have your hands full.

Are you Catholic?

You’re going to be just like your mom aren’t you.

This list could go on and on, and those of you from large families could probably add quite a few to the list. I usually try to take these comments with a smile and some kind reply, but sometimes I tell the person exactly what I am thinking. I’m sure you can imagine how some of those responses go.

However, a conversation that I had earlier this week really got me to thinking about the “planned” question. Was this baby planned?

Does it really matter if the baby was planned or not? What exactly is the point of that question? Are you trying to make me think back to the time this baby was conceived and tell you if I knew this would happen? I’m pretty sure if that’s your question then no pregnancy is “planned”. No one knows for sure if they’ll get pregnant or not. If the point of asking that question is for me to look like a fool or an out of control hormone crazed teenager who can’t control urges--you’re not going to get that out of me either. I enjoy my “time” with my husband and I will never regret that time blessing us with a child. I will never wish I wasn’t pregnant. I will never wish that “time” with my husband didn’t take place.

A child as an accident is a baffling thought to me. I never look at children as a burden or an accident. (I want a word or two with you if you do look at them that way.) I couldn’t imagine if my parents had told me that I was an “accident”. What message is that sending to our children? Shouldn’t we be telling them that they have always been wanted and are truly a blessing in the lives of everyone they come in contact with. I’m not saying this because we should lie to them, I’m saying it because I believe it to be true. My children are a blessing and they have already changed so many lives by being here on Earth.

Does this mean that I think everyone should go and have 10 kids? Absolutely not. However, you might want to think about what you say to a pregnant woman the next time. When it is all said and done it’s none of your darn business if the pregnancy was planned or not. It’s none of your business how many children my husband and I choose to have. Why do you care if I’ll have my hands full or not? And thank you for telling me I’ll be just like my mother. If I make it out of this wild adventure half the mom that she is I’ll be thankful!

Children are a blessing from God. Mother’s have this awesome task of taking care of them, nurturing them, loving them, teaching them, and guiding them to the right path. Don’t ever ask me if God has over-burdened me. God has blessed me over and over and over again. I thank Him every single day for the opportunity to pull my hair out, get worn down, run around in circles picking up the same old mess, and mend the superhero’s knee. This world needs to quit thinking of children as a problem, and start looking at them as a solution.

For those of you who were “accidents”, I sure am glad you’re here today. I believe that you will change the world, maybe you already have.

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