

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Faith Check-Up

We’ve had a lot of check-ups around here lately. I have almost weekly check-ups for the pregnancy, Jackson just had a 6 month ENT follow up from his tubes surgery, he also has his 18 month check-up coming up, the van is due for an oil change and check-up (we say we’re taking the van to the car doctor when we go), our air conditioner had a check-up of it’s own too. It seems like everyone and everything around here has a check-up in the last couple months. I know we’re only going to have more check-ups once the baby is born.

All these check-ups really have me thinking. We have all sorts of “physical” check-ups throughout the year, but how often do we have a faith check-up. In the Catholic church I think an examination of your faith is usually done twice a year, once around Christmas and once around Easter. I think those times make good sense. I personally use these times to go to confession and just examine my state of mind when it comes to being a good Catholic. I think we could all re-examine our state of mind each week at mass--it’s great to start off the week fresh. However, that’s a lot easier said then done. Most Sunday’s I just try to make it through the marathon that is mass with my children.

So all this thinking about a faith check-up made me think to remind all of you to have a check-up of your own. Part of life is having ups and downs that we go through, sometimes by ourselves and other times with our family. The same is true of our faith lives. Sometimes our own personal faith journey is on a great path, but our spouse or our family may be struggling. Sometimes those around us seem to be flourishing in their faith life and we feel like we are really struggling. It really doesn’t matter where you are right now in your faith. None of us is even close to being perfect--that’s why we have God.

Take some time over the next week to examine your faith life. Maybe you need to go to confession because it’s been a while or maybe you simply need to do a better job of saying daily prayers. Whatever you need to make your faith stronger try and incorporate it into your daily routine the next week. Like everything else, once it becomes routine it will stick. Don’t forget that being physically and mentally well is very important, however being spiritually well is just as important and takes just as much work. Below is a short list of some ideas to help you “boost” your faith life.

- Read a spiritual book

-Go to confession

- Start a prayer journal (Write down all the intentions you have and bring the book out during morning and evening prayers)

- Start a gratitude journal (At the end of each day, write down what you’re thankful for)

- Re-connect with a spouse or family member through prayer

- Read the bible

- Read about a Saint that inspires you

- Go to daily mass

- Do a random act of kindness

There are so many ways to improve your faith health. The first step is always in the “doing”. Good Luck! I’ll be praying that everyone does a check-up and improves in some way.

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