

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Simple Tips for a Healthy Life

Staying fit and healthy is something that most people try to achieve in their day to day life. I’ve always considered myself a very fit and healthy person. I was blessed to be raised in a family that encouraged lots of activity and I had a mom that served delicious healthy food-- most of the time. (She is an amazing cook, so she has to cook those fatty delicious foods every once in a while) Exercise and healthy eating really became a way of life for me at an early age because of all the sports I was involved in. In order to be the best you had to do everything you could to get an edge over your competitors. This mentality helps me to this day. Even though I’m not out training for an upcoming sports season I still strive to be healthy.

This is probably the most important time in my life to be healthy. Going from growing a child in my body to raising that child once he/she is out in the world with me, I strive to make my body as healthy as possible for my kids. I want to give them the best fighting chance, so I figure if I can be the best “vessel” possible I’m doing my part. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m just as vain as the next woman. It’s a sin that I wrestle with on a daily if not hourly basis. I want to look the best I can too. I realize I wont ever be wearing a skimpy bikini again-- all my beautiful stretch marks made sure of that. However, I want to look the best I can. As you all probably know, this is so much easier said than done. When your body is in constant flux of pre-baby, baby, post-baby, and getting ready for next baby it’s hard to have your OWN body.

Today I’m going to share a few tips that I follow for getting into shape and staying into shape. I am no expert, and it’s a constant battle. However, I have done a lot of research on healthy eating and I am constantly looking for new workout routines to try out. I could probably write my own book full of things that have or haven’t worked for me. So chances are if you are struggling I can probably give you some good advice.

Tip #1: Follow the 80/20 rule.- This goes for eating and working out. This is especially important for moms. Whether you are pregnant, nursing, trying to get that baby weight off, working on getting pregnant again, or done having babies your body needs a break. So workout hard 80% of the time and take it easy 20% of the time. The same is true with eating. 80% of the time eat healthy and 20% of the time enjoy your guilty little pleasures.

Tip #2: Change up your workout routine often.- I have learned this one from experience. Our bodies are very smart and they figure out workout routines very quickly. This is why when you first begin an exercise program you are sore the first few days and gradually your body gets less and less sore. You need to confuse your body. This means you should be doing all sorts of workouts. Weight-lifting and cardio are essential, but how you get those in is up to you. I’m constantly trying new workouts. Especially when I feel like I am at a plateau. I try to do different workouts each day of the week. Usually I’ll take one day off and on the other days I’ll mix in different kinds of cardio and weight routines. (I have tons of ideas, so if you need some let me know)

Tip #3: Eat often and eat enough.
- This is a concept that women really struggle with. A lot of women think that if you eat 3 small meals a day you will lose weight faster. The opposite is actually true. You should never feel hungry. I like to eat 5 to 6 small “meals” a day. Each of those meals is around 300 calories. (300 good calories) Eating this way helps me continue to eat healthy all day and eat enough. When I find myself at a plateau I immediately look at what I’ve been eating. Most of the time it’s that I haven’t been eating enough. Our bodies go into a starvation mode and the scale wont budge.

Tip #4: Get down and play with your kids.- Have you ever tried to follow a 2 year old around during the day? Try it. It will be the best workout you’ve ever done in your life!! Whether you have a 2 year old to chase or not try to get in little workouts throughout your day. Keep your body active. Park a little farther away from the door, wrestle with your kids/dog, carry your own groceries to your car, power walk while shopping, the list could go on and on. When we keep our bodies active we are more likely to make healthy choices. Plus doing all those little workouts will work muscles that don’t get as much work in a normal workout.
Tip #5: Drink lots and lots of water.
- This one is pretty self explanatory. Stay away from the caffeine and soda. You should always have a water bottle by your side and when it gets empty fill it up. Our bodies need water! This one alone will help you feel so much better during the day.

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